Event details

2023-11-01 04:30:00
2023-11-01 05:15:00
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Kelly Hollis

Kelly Hollis

Australian Curriculum Specialist

Education Perfect


View Bio

Kelly Hollis is the Australian Curriculum Specialist at Education Perfect, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping and advancing EP's content strategy and development throughout Australia. With an extensive background as a secondary science teacher spanning 13 years, Kelly firmly believes that technology should be grounded in a solid pedagogical foundation to truly enhance learning experiences. Holding a Masters in Education specialising in digital innovation, she has gained recognition on a global scale, acknowledged as one of the top educators leading flipped learning worldwide by the Flipped Learning Global Initiative. Kelly is also a certified Google Innovator and a co-founder of #aussieED, Australia’s largest online education network. Kelly is passionate about effective technology integration in education and is renowned for her influence in cultivating a culture of resource sharing and thought leadership within the educational community


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