Event details

2023-05-25 08:00:00
2023-05-25 08:30:00
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If you have any further questions, please email the Education Perfect team at support@educationperfect.com.



Myles Phelan

Myles Phelan

Business Development Manager

Education Perfect


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Having spent 6 years as a Geography GCSE/ A Level and IB Teacher before moving into the field of education technology, Myles oversees the growth of Education Perfect in the Middle East and Africa region. With an analytical approach, Myles' biggest objective is to utilise his classroom expertise to provide solutions to any questions EP users may have in everyday teaching and learning. 

Ravi Sekhon

Ravi Sekhon

Customer Success Manager

Education Perfect

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Prior to joining Education Perfect, Ravi has spent the last 17 years in education (13 years internationally) in which he held several roles in middle management such, Head of Mathematics, Head of Pastoral and Senior Teacher. Ravi is a keen advocate of educational technology and has helped many schools across Europe and the UAE establish their resources and more specifically, the EP platform, into their workplaces.


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