Event details

2023-05-03 08:00:00
2023-05-03 09:00:00

About this webinar

Are you a Language teacher looking for inspiration to enrich your student learning journey? Or perhaps in search of ways to engage them more in the classroom?

In this webinar, we will showcase different project-based language teaching modules that can be carried out in the MFL classrooms to engage students in throughout the academic year. 

Presented by the experienced Head of MFL and Digital Learning Lead, plus Silver Winner of the Pearson National Teaching Awards in 2022, Esmeraldo Salgado and independent language consultant Joe Dale, this session is suitable for any language teacher that is eager to increase engagement in their classroom.


Esmeralda Salgado

Esmeralda Salgado

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Esmeralda is an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) and a former Head of MFL and Digital Lead with over 20 years of language teaching experience from KS2 to KS 5 in the States and the Independent sectors. She is also the 2022 Silver Winner for the Pearson's National Teaching Award - Secondary School Teacher of the Year, in the UK.

She is most passionate about the use of digital tools and collaborative projects among schools, and has extensive experience in using eTwinning and Erasmus projects as tools to enhance the teaching and learning experience in the MFL classrooms. Esmeralda co-authored
one of the Language Gym Books: Spanish Verb Pivots with GianFranco Conti and is currently, a woman with many hats: an MFL consultant, writer, blogger and CPD provider - and yet - she is more excited to be back to the classroom in September as Head of MFL in Princes Risborough School, UK.

Philippa Kruger

Philippa Kruger

Curriculum Specialist - International Schools

Education Perfect


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Philippa is a former French teacher, with over a decade of teaching experience including 5 years as Head of Faculty. For the last 9 years, Philippa has worked with the EP Languages team to transform EP Languages from a simple vocabulary learning tool into a full ecosystem, catering for all language learning needs.

She now supports schools around the world, helping them to enhance their language learning programmes from Elementary to High School.

Joe Dale

Joe Dale

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Joe Dale is an independent languages consultant from the UK who works with various global organisations. He hosted the TES MFL forum for six years, was a former SSAT Languages Lead Practitioner, a regular conference speaker and a recognised expert on technology and language learning.

Involved in multiple conferences and ran training courses in Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, the Far East and Australasia, he has advised on various Erasmus Plus projects, worked with the British Council in Algeria and in Indonesia too and is known as the man behind #mfltwitterati.


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