Event details

2022-05-17 03:45:00
2022-05-17 04:30:00

A session on how to use EP’s introductory Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories package.

Join Justin, our Curriculum Specialist (NZ), Te Rau Winterburn (EP’s Kaupapa Māori Lead) and Yasmin Frazer, one of our content writers and currently an AST and History teacher from Hobsonville Point Secondary School.

We will introduce you to our new content and take you through suggested pathways for your classroom and how to include localised curriculum in student inquiries.


Te Rau Winterburn

Te Rau Winterburn

Head of Kaupapa Māori


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Te Rau leads our Kaupapa Māori space at EP which includes managing the four unique Te Ao Māori courses that we currently offer.

He is a Primary trained teacher specialising in level 1 immersion and culturally responsive practices. With a vast teaching background and knowledge of Te Reo and Mātauranga Māori, Te Rau has taught and led from within the primary sector right through to university and wānanga levels.

Te Rau has iwi affiliations to Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa.

Justin Paul

Justin Paul

Aotearoa Curriculum Specialist


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Justin Paul taught English from Years 7-13 in NZ and the UK for twenty years. He worked at Te Kura (The Correspondence School) as they made the transition to become an online school and then more recently as an Advisor at the Ministry of Education, working on the regional office's NCEA Change Programme team.

Justin works at the crossroads of strategy, content delivery and schools, ultimately providing direction on EP's NZ content to ensure that it aligns to the NZ Curriculum.

Yasmin Frazer

Yasmin Frazer

History & Art History Teacher, Across School Lead Whiria Te Tangata Kahui Ako, Writer EP Aotearoa Histories


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Yasmin Frazer is a Humanities teacher and Kahui Ako Across School Lead who specialises in History, Art History and Social Science. She has over 13 years experience in the education sector in a range of leadership roles across both Secondary, Primary as well as in the Private sector.

Yasmin has led substantial curriculum change in both established and new schools. Her current focus lies in the implementation of Aotearoa NZ Histories. She understands the excitement and anxiety the new curriculum brings to kaiako and has been involved in various initiatives connected to the curriculum since its draft stage. Her experience and passion for curriculum design, change management and culturally sustaining practices means she is eager to support kura in ensuring this curriculum thrives.


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